How Professional League of Legends Players Build


     This picture is from the PC video game League Of Legends. This particular round is from a tournament. It is great for learning what kind of items champions need to build in the late game.

     As you can see its better to build tank items for champions like Shyvana, Yorick, Mundo and Galio because they are  naturally good at it. Because they are tanks (champions who's goal it is to take damage) they have less damage then the AD (attack damage) or AP (ability power) oriented champions.

     The AD's in this picture are Graves and Kennen. They build AD items because they increase the amount your attacks do and some skills become stronger as you gain more. They also build phantom dancer as it increases your attack speed, movement speed and critical strike chance.

     The AP's in this picture are Galio and Morgana. They bolth build AP to make there spells do more damage. Galio is not your typical AP as he has to build magic resist to stack his passive. He also ends up more of a tank then a AP carry and this leads me to my next point.

    Even if you are in a role it dosn't mean you only have to build 1 type of item. Many champions benefit from getting items that help your survivability such as Quick Silver Sash.

    I hope this post has helped you learn more about League of Legends. Please share this blog with your friends as it helps me immensely. I'll be posting more League of Legends and video game content in the future hopefully.