5 Straight Forward League of Legends Tips

     I'm by no means a professional at the PC video-game League of Legends but i know there are some people out there struggling with the basics. These are some tips and tricks I've picked up over time that have really improved my game!

1. Wards! Now I've bet you've seen this advice before but it really is the easiest way to improve in LoL. Every time you go back just pick up a ward or 2 and place them in the river where ganks might come from. Most enemies will waste there time trying to get a gank that is impossible with good warding.

2. Map Awareness! This should be a no brainier to some but checking the mini map is really helpful to spot incoming ganks / enemies that are missing from there lanes. Just make sure you don't miss farm just because you are looking at the map :P.

3. Farm, Farm and More Farming! A wave of creeps is a lot of gold / experience so make you go for those last hits. Roaming around can be a big waste of time and if there's no one in the lane you left you are missing out on gold/exp.

4. Team Coordination!  If you see someone on your team going in for a gank make sure to back them up. You can set up amazing plays if you back up your team mates and they do the same.

5.  Go For Objectives! The game is about killing the enemy nexus not going for ganks / kills. Most people lose focus after the laneing phase but make sure to go for every tower you possibly can!

     Those were some of my tips, please follow / comment if you found them helpful. More League of Legends content is on the way so check back often!