How Effective Health Works In League Of Legends

     Now when your playing a tank in PC video game League of Legends your probably wondering when you should buy more resistances (Magic resist, Armor) or more health items. I'll give you a few tips I've picked up that have really helped me maximize the amount I can do in a team fight as a tank.

     First off I would like to explain to you the concept of effective health. Each 1 armor (or magic resist) gives you 1% more effective health against what you are fighting.(ether a mage (ap) or a attack dps(ad)) Your effective health scales with armor and resistances so make sure to build bolth.

    Depending on the champion you play you may also want to stack 1 more then the other. Example Galio and magic resist.

     I hope you enjoyed this brief guide on some tank itemization. Please follow and share with your friends if you enjoyed this article as there is more on the way!

(Edit - Some people on the forums wanted more information so here's the some League of Legends wiki links that are very helpful on the subject. Magic Resist ~ Armor ~