League Of Legends How To Play: Graves, the Outlaw

File:Graves OriginalSkin.jpg     Here's a new type of guide for League Stuff, the League of Legends how to play. This will give you the quick rundown of how to play a certain champion. So if your coming in completely new don't worry as I give you the rundown on how to play Graves, the Outlaw.

    SKILL BUILD: Graves has 3 damage skills and 1 escape skill. His Q does damage in a cone wherever you aim it. His W is a slow/vision blind that works in a small circle wherever you shoot it. His E is a dash that also buffs your attack speed for a short time. His R is a decent range AOE nuke that does damage on contact with a enemy champ then more in a AOE around whoever was hit.

     My skill order for graves is max Q first, then W, then E while taking points in R whenever you can. I take W over E second because it gives him a better slow whilst doing more burst damage.

File:Graves MafiaSkin.jpg    ITEM BUILD: For items I usually start boots / 3 health pots. Then get 2 Dorans Blades and a Vamp Scepter. After I usually rush Infinity Edge and follow up with ether a Zeal or Blood Thirstier depending on how fed I am. I go Infinity Edge first because it gives you the most burst damage out of any of the AD items. If the enemy stacks armor your gonna want to build a Last Whisper to pierce through it. If you need magic resist make a Quick Silver stash because its cheap. If you need armor I usually build a Guardians Angel because it makes you un-focusable in a team fight. Don't be afraid to sell your Dorans Blades late in the match if you need room for better items. Knowing what item to build at what time will give you a big advantage versus all enemy AD's in lane.

    PLAYSTYLE: As a AD you want to go bot with a good support champion. League of Legends is all about knowing the match ups. Being the AD of your team means you need to get as many last hits in bot lane without putting yourself at risk. As you play you will learn the ranges and damage potentials of enemy AD's. This will help you know when to go aggressive or play passive. Most of the time you want the support to start the fights but when the enemy makes mistakes always try to capitalize on them!
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      I hope this short guide has given you the knowledge you need to own people with Graves, the Outlaw. If you liked this guide please share it with your friends and come back soon for more League of Legends PC video game content.

How To Start Playing League Of Legends

     If you are new to the PC video-game League of Legends the game may seem daunting. It may seem complicated at first, but once you get used to it, it becomes easier and easier. So relax as I give you the run down on how to play League of Legends!

    The first thing you want to do in every round is buy a items at the shop. Their are suggested items for each character so start with that first. As you get better you may want to buy different starting items then the recommended ones but I'll leave that for a later guide.

    The second thing you need to do is go to the lane of your choosing. There usually is 1 mid, 2 bot and 2 or 1 top depending if you have a jungler. A jungler is a person who starts by killing minions in the jungle and only leaves it to gank or steal the other teams jungle. After you are in your lane that is when the fun begins!

    While in your lane you first want to go for minion kills. Any time the enemy players get in range you should attack them with your attacks and skills. Be careful about ganks coming from the other lanes. Ganks are when enemy players come to your lane with intent to kill you. If you take your enemy's turret in your lane you are free to roam around the map to go and gank other players.

     After the teams are done with the lanes the game usually turns into big team fight segments. Team fighting is when you fight 5v5 with the goal of acing the enemy team. A ace is when you kill all 5 enemy's. Next I'll give a description about the nexus.
     The game is won when your or the enemy team kill the nexus. The nexus is the big gem object near the beginning of the map. Make sure to protect the nexus at all costs!

     I hope this brief rundown of the computer video game League of Legends has helped you learn how to play. I will be making more posts going into more depth in the future so make sure to check this blog often! Also share it with your friends :)!